A content platform that enables users to easily locate, view and share content related to intangible assets management –i.e. corporate reputation, brand, communications, metrics and public affairs. It is launched by Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership is a non-profit think tank created to professionalize management of key intangible assets: reputation, brand, communications, intangible metrics and public affairs.
With a decade of experience in managing intangible assets, it is the result of merging the "Foro de Reputación Corporativa" (founded in 2002) and the "Instituto de Análisis de los Intangibles" (founded in 2004).
It has been created by BBVA, CaixaBank, Iberdrola, Repsol, Santander and Telefónica (founding partners) and works in partnership with important companies from the private and public sector, such as Agbar, Banco Popular, Bankinter, Correos, Danone, DKV Seguros Médicos, El Corte Inglés, Gas Natural Fenosa, Ibercaja, MAPFRE, Renfe and Grupo Volkswagen.
Corporate Excellence partner companies are true to the vision that management of intangible assets makes the excellence of a company. They also share the corporate motto, Leading by Reputation, to deal effectively with the challenges of this new economic cycle, where companies compete for wining the trust and engagement of stakeholders.